
Rabu, 28 September 2011

Anne Hathaway In Full Catwoman Suit On ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Set

After a grueling, spy photo filled shoot in Pittsburgh, PA, Christopher Nolan‘s The Dark Knight Rises has been semi-quietly shooting in Los Angeles, CA for the past few weeks. And while several set photos and videos have leaked of various vehicles, stunts and more, nothing has been particularly exciting. Until now.
A new set of spy photos have surfaced that show Anne Hathaway in what we can only assume in her full Catwoman costume as it’s slightly different from the official photo above. In addition, a video has come online revealing a potentially major spoiler with her character. Check it all out after the jump.
Images removed at request of Splash News.
Notice that, as stated in previous reports, it looks as if the costume is basically just the goggles from the top shot, flipped up into ears.
And then there’s this video from Nolan Fans (via Comic Book Movie). It’s very small but there’s a potentially a major spoiler in it about Catwoman. I’ll reveal it after the video.
At about 25 seconds, you’ll see Batman hug someone before loading into the Batwing. That is Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I guess she’s not as big a villain as one might have thought.
What do you think about this?

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